LUGANO – Per gli italiani il Canton Ticino è una classica piazza Off-Shore. Tra i 15.000 impiegati nella piazza finanziaria c’è un certo timore: Giulio Tremonti vuole prosciugare le banche luganesi.
Le autorità italiane stimano in 600 miliardi circa i fondi non dichiarati al fisco depositati in Svizzera. Rico von Wyss, docente dell’Università di San Gallo, riferisce a dei dati della Banca Nazionale Svizzera. Dei 4012 miliardi di franchi amministrati in Svizzera, sono 300 quelli in Ticino. E di questi 300 miliardi 200 sarebbero appartenenti a clienti italiani.
Il Ticino, con Lugano, è considerata la terza piazza finanziaria elvetica. Nel settore bancario a fare la parte del leone è Zurigo che, con il 43% degli occupati sul totale, si piazza decisamente al primo posto in Svizzera. Ginevra segue con il 19% e, infine, Lugano, che con il suo 5% è considerata una partner Junior. Per la clientela italiana la piazza bancaria ticinese presenta molti vantaggi. Nelle sfere di influenza, il Ticino è ormai considerato appartenente alla zona metropolitana di Milano. “La vicinanza geografica viene apprezzata dai clienti italiani – spiega il professore – e non esistono barriere linguistiche con i consulenti bancari”.
Ora la crisi economica e finanziaria acuisce il fabbisogno degli Stati di drenare denaro pubblico per rilanciare i consumi e l’economia. I grandi stati Europei hanno messo a punto amnistie fiscali per riportare a casa capitali non dichiarati in paesi esteri. Oggi il Blick mostra una sorta di cartina dei fondi neri. Sarebbero 193,4 i miliardi di franchi non dichiarati al fisco tedesco confluiti in Svizzera, mentre sono 185,2 quelli italiani. Una montagna di denaro.
Dopo il blitz di Guardia di Finanza e Agenzia delle Entrate dell’altro ieri, con la perquisizione di 76 succursali di banche svizzere in Italia, il governo svizzero esprime la propria preoccupazione e convoca l’ambasciatore d’Italia a Berna.
La tensione aumenta, così come il sentimento di ostilità nei confronti delle politiche economiche italiane, considerate oltraggiose da una buona parte dei partiti svizzeri. Al Blick un ex direttore con anni di esperienza alle spalle presso una delle più grandi banche in Ticino ha dichiarato che se lui parlasse, il governo italiano cadrebbe in un giorno”. “Non c’è nessun esponente del Governo, nessuno del mondo dell’economia italiana che non abbia un conto in Svizzera” ha raccontato l’ex direttore al Blick.
Il giornale svizzero tedesco parla del pericolo che il Premier Berlusconi correrebbe se si esponesse troppo sul tema dello scudo, aggiungendo che dopo le critiche durante il G20 di Londra, Berlusconi non si è più esposto sulla questione. Il Blick ricorda la misteriosa ascesa di Berlusconi e il ruolo decisivo della piazza finanziaria ticinese. “Grazie al silenzio degli avvocati e delle banche ticinesi – si legge sul Blick – non è ancora chiaro da dove sono arrivati i milioni che gli hanno permesso il sorgere del suo impero costruito attorno alla Fininvest”.
Infine, sul giornale ci si chiede se questa politica intrisa di attacchi contro la Svizzera non potrebbe rivelarsi suicida contro il Governo di Berlusconi. “Negli occhi dei banchieri è in corso una guerra tra Berlusconi e il ministro delle Finanze Giulio Tremonti. Quest’ultimo, a quanto sembra, vorrebbe candidarsi quale successore di Berlusconi”.
"No politician or member of the Italian economy that does not have an account in Switzerland." The role of the financial center in creating economic empire of Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi's silence on the tax shield and the war between Tremonti and the Premier.LUGANO - For Italians, the Canton Ticino is a classic square Off-Shore. Among the 15,000 employed in the financial center, there is a certain fear: Giulio Tremonti wants to drain the banks Lugano.
The Italian authorities estimated that about 600 billion the funds not declared to the tax deposited in Switzerland. Rico von Wyss, professor at the University of St. Gallen, includes data the Swiss National Bank. Of 4.012 trillion Swiss francs managed in Switzerland, are 300 ones in Ticino. And of these 200 would be 300 billion belonging to Italian customers.
Ticino, with Lugano, is considered the third Swiss financial center. In the banking sector to do the lion's share that is Zurich, with 43% of employees value, place it definitely in first place in Switzerland. Geneva follows with 19% and, finally, Lugano, which with its 5% is considered a junior partner. For clients with the Italian banking center Ticino has many advantages. In the spheres of influence, the Ticino is now recognized as belonging to the metropolitan area of Milan. "Geographical proximity is popular with Italian customers - says the professor - and there are no language barriers with the bank advisors.
Now the economic and financial crisis heightens the need of states to drain public money to boost consumption and the economy. Major European countries have developed tax amnesties to bring back capital was not declared in foreign countries. Today Blick shows a kind of map of the funds blacks. 193.4 billions of francs would not declared to the German tax authorities converged in Switzerland, while the Italians 185.2. A mountain of money.
After the blitz of Financial Police and Revenue Agency the day before yesterday, with the raid of 76 branches of Swiss banks in Italy, the Swiss government expressed its concern and calls the Ambassador of Italy in Berne.
The tension increases as the feeling of hostility towards the Italian economic policy, considered offensive by a large part of the Swiss side. Blick to a former director with years of experience at one of the largest banks in Ticino said that if he spoke, the Italian government would fall in a day. " "There is no government officials, none of the Italian economy in the world that does not have an account in Switzerland," said the former director at Blick.
The German speaking Swiss newspaper that Prime Minister Berlusconi of the danger he would run if you expose too much on the shield, adding that after he was criticized during the G20 in London, Berlusconi was no longer exposed on the issue. The Blick recalls the mysterious rise of Berlusconi and the decisive role of the financial center in Canton Ticino. "Thanks to the silence of the lawyers and bankers Ticino - As it says on Blick - is not yet clear where they got the millions that have allowed the rise of his Fininvest empire built around."
Finally, the paper one wonders if this policy full of attacks against Switzerland could not be suicide against the government of Berlusconi. "In the eyes of bankers is a war going on between Berlusconi and the Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti. Latter, it seems, would stand as the successor to Berlusconi.
"No politician or member of the Italian economy that does not have an account in Switzerland." The role of the financial center in creating economic empire of Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi's silence on the tax shield and the war between Tremonti and the Premier.LUGANO - For Italians, the Canton Ticino is a classic square Off-Shore. Among the 15,000 employed in the financial center, there is a certain fear: Giulio Tremonti wants to drain the banks Lugano.
The Italian authorities estimated that about 600 billion the funds not declared to the tax deposited in Switzerland. Rico von Wyss, professor at the University of St. Gallen, includes data the Swiss National Bank. Of 4.012 trillion Swiss francs managed in Switzerland, are 300 ones in Ticino. And of these 200 would be 300 billion belonging to Italian customers.
Ticino, with Lugano, is considered the third Swiss financial center. In the banking sector to do the lion's share that is Zurich, with 43% of employees value, place it definitely in first place in Switzerland. Geneva follows with 19% and, finally, Lugano, which with its 5% is considered a junior partner. For clients with the Italian banking center Ticino has many advantages. In the spheres of influence, the Ticino is now recognized as belonging to the metropolitan area of Milan. "Geographical proximity is popular with Italian customers - says the professor - and there are no language barriers with the bank advisors.
Now the economic and financial crisis heightens the need of states to drain public money to boost consumption and the economy. Major European countries have developed tax amnesties to bring back capital was not declared in foreign countries. Today Blick shows a kind of map of the funds blacks. 193.4 billions of francs would not declared to the German tax authorities converged in Switzerland, while the Italians 185.2. A mountain of money.
After the blitz of Financial Police and Revenue Agency the day before yesterday, with the raid of 76 branches of Swiss banks in Italy, the Swiss government expressed its concern and calls the Ambassador of Italy in Berne.
The tension increases as the feeling of hostility towards the Italian economic policy, considered offensive by a large part of the Swiss side. Blick to a former director with years of experience at one of the largest banks in Ticino said that if he spoke, the Italian government would fall in a day. " "There is no government officials, none of the Italian economy in the world that does not have an account in Switzerland," said the former director at Blick.
The German speaking Swiss newspaper that Prime Minister Berlusconi of the danger he would run if you expose too much on the shield, adding that after he was criticized during the G20 in London, Berlusconi was no longer exposed on the issue. The Blick recalls the mysterious rise of Berlusconi and the decisive role of the financial center in Canton Ticino. "Thanks to the silence of the lawyers and bankers Ticino - As it says on Blick - is not yet clear where they got the millions that have allowed the rise of his Fininvest empire built around."
Finally, the paper one wonders if this policy full of attacks against Switzerland could not be suicide against the government of Berlusconi. "In the eyes of bankers is a war going on between Berlusconi and the Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti. Latter, it seems, would stand as the successor to Berlusconi.
2 commenti:
ciao bellissimo blog, faresti scambio link con il mio
Salve X me va bene.
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